Top 10 World’s Most Expensive Dog Breeds

#01 – Samoyed

These native dogs of Siberia reign as the most expensive breeds in terms of the lowest average price. The Samoyed is a very reliable animal companion in the Arctic wilderness; primarily entrusted with the hauling of people’s cargo via dogsled and often operating as guards and hunters.

This breed is characterized by its singular appealing looks – a thick white coat, pointed ears, and a perpetual smile in its muzzles. Interestingly, Samoyeds wear two layers of fur.

One of the many reasons why they fetch such a hefty breeder’s cost is that they can withstand hostile low temperatures dropping down to negative 60 degrees Celsius.

Intelligent and very energetic, Samoyeds require a pet owner with a vigor that matches their own. If they lack attention, they tend to misbehave at best or become destructive at worst.

These dogs may put themselves at risk if they managed to escape as they are bred for long distance travels.

  • Estimated Price: from $4,000 to $11,000
  • Average Lifespan: 12 to 14 years
  • Average Weight: 45 to 65 lbs (male), 35 to 50 lbs (female)
  • Average Height: 21 to 24 inches (male), 19 to 21 inches (female)
  • AKC Popularity Rank: 65th
white samoyed puppy outdoor in park
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Our team at SpendOnPet specializes in analyzing and writing about the costs associated with pet ownership in the United States. With a passion for pets and a keen eye for economics, we provide valuable insights to help pet owners understand the financial aspects of their furry friends