The Rottweiler has been portrayed by the media as a vicious attack dog, so many people fear Rottweilers. But Rottweilers are not the ferocious beasts that their reputation would suggest.
The Rottweiler is believed to be a descendant of the Roman drover dogs and was used to guard the Roman soldiers and stocks. Traveling butchers also used Rottweilers to pull their carts.
Rottweilers are loving, calm, obedient, confident, and courageous.
Rottweilers make excellent watchdogs. If started from a young age, this dog is very trainable and adaptable. Rottweilers are smart and have a strong work ethic.
Because these dogs are extremely loyal, devoted, and alert, they are protective of and affectionate toward their family. Despite its large size, a Rottweiler loves to curl and cuddle up in bed with its owner.
The Cost of Purchasing a Rottweiler
Although the Rottweiler has been known as being aggressive, it has become one of the most popular dogs in the U.S. It is often used as a police or rescue dog and is commonly seen in dog shows.
Rottweiler price largely depends on the quality of the dog. A show-quality Rottweiler costs from $2,500 to $4,000, while a pet quality will cost about $500 to $2,000.
But you can even find Rottweilers being sold for as low as $1,000 at AKC marketplace.
A pet quality Rottweiler is unbreedable due to significant faults according to the breed standard. On the other hand, you can breed a show-quality Rottweiler. Although it may have its own minor faults, they can only be seen by the most observant and keen eyes.
Experienced owners of a large breed of dogs can choose to adopt. Adoption fee differ based on the shelter or rescue and the dog’s age and history. Rescuing a Rottweiler typically costs $250 or less.
Factors That Affect the Price of a Rottweiler
A Rottweiler may come from one of three different bloodlines: the American Rottweiler, German Rottweiler, and Roman Rottweiler.
American Rottweilers tend to be tall, leggy, and small headed compared to other bloodlines.
It is said that German Rottweilers are widely considered better looking than American Rottweilers. They have thicker bones, impressive bodies, and blocky heads.
Unfortunately, a real Roman Rottweiler is not existent. So, if a breeder tells you that his Rottweilers are much bigger and larger than average, it’s probably a scam.
A Rottweiler is a common face in different dog shows and competition. If you’re aiming for a Rottweiler that’s won lots of titles or a puppy from a pedigree that includes lots of winners, prepare a big budget.
The dog’s age also makes a difference. Puppies are generally in higher demand and therefore cost more on average, but as we just stated, adult winners are pricey, too.
Puppies also require you to spend more time and money for veterinary check-ups, foods, and other necessities. But the connection and relationship you have established are definitely worth it.
On the other hand, you may encounter loyalty and obedience problem in acquiring an adult dog, so getting obedience training becomes a compulsory rather than an option, but they can also come well-trained and well-behaved.
What is Included?
A registered breeder should provide AKC paperwork, a vaccination record, and a health certificate. Breeders and rescues may also provide microchipping, a leash, a collar, a tag, the rest of the dog’s puppy vaccines, and a small amount of food. Rescues often also cover the cost of spaying or neutering.

One-Time Expenses
- Shelter
A Rottweiler doesn’t immediately get too friendly with other animals or people. It will need time to observe and a proper introduction to get acquainted with new friends.
Rottweilers also love to dig and because they’re big, they can easily jump off of the fences, so be careful to secure your yard.
Large kennels can cost around $90 all the way up to $500, depending on material and features.
- Shipping
Some breeders will ship your Rottweiler to you for a fee of around $400. If you hire a third party pet shipping company, the rate will be around $120 to $250 if within 300-mile distance; while beyond that, it will cost around $270 to $500.
- Training
This dog’s bad image was brought about by irresponsible ownership and a lack of socialization and training. Providing adequate training and socialization is essential for avoiding behavior problems in Rottweilers, especially because of their large size.
When training a dog, starting from a young age is much better. Establishing a good relationship and providing proper training and reinforcement will help your dog grow to be obedient, making it an excellent companion.
Training fee will cost about $120 for six weeks of classes.
- License and Permit
Do you need a license and a permit to own a Rottweiler?
Well, it all depends on the city where you live. Despite the fact that there are no states where Rottweilers are restricted, many cities and towns do have breed specific legislation that affects Rottweilers. Many areas require dog licenses for dogs of any breed.
Dog licenses typically cost between $15 and $25 and may need to be renewed each year. Before getting a Rottweiler, make sure you know your city or town’s laws pertaining to owning dogs.
Recurring Cost of Owning a Rottweiler
- Food
Obesity is common to Rottweilers, but feeding them the right amount of food with the right nutrition will keep them healthy. Rottweiler puppies have a lot of growing to do and need to have a high-calorie diet.
Adults that eat an average of 50 pounds of a mix of dry and wet food will need a budget of about $300 a month for food.
A puppy can eat an average of 40 pounds of quality dry puppy food and will cost less than $100 a month, excluding wet food cost.
A 30 pound bag of dry food ranges between $45 and $60.
- Grooming
Grooming a Rottweiler is not as complicated and time-consuming as grooming other dog breeds. However, their cleanliness and hygiene should not be taken for granted.
A Rottweiler sheds heavily twice a year. During these times, brushing its fur at least twice a week is needed. But during the rest of the year, its hair and teeth must be brushed about once a week.
You should trim your Rottweiler’s nails once a month. Regularly check and clean its ears. Bathe bath only occasionally as needed.
Taking a Rottie to a pet salon for will cost $45 to $60 depending on the groomer and services.
- Medical Expenses
Veterinary care is important for a dog. Visiting a veterinarian regularly will help you know your dog’s condition and will prevent health conditions from becoming more serious.
A regular visit to a veterinary clinic will cost around $40 to $60.
You may also need to pay around $15 for a fecal test, about $30 for a Distemper Parvo/Corona vaccination, at least $10 for deworming, at least $6 for a heartworm prevention tablet, $15 to $25 for a Bordetella vaccination, around $20 for a yearly Rabies vaccination, and up to $200 for spaying or neutering.
A Rottweiler has an average lifespan of 7 to 10 years. The most common health problem that this dog might have are hip and elbow dysplasia. In the worst cases of hip dysplasia, your veterinarian may recommend surgery. The surgery can cost between $1,700 and $4,500.
Rottweilers are also prone to Parvovirus, a contagious disease that is deadly among puppies, so vaccination for parvo is essential.
- Accessories
Because Rottweilers can be aggressive towards other animals and strangers, a muzzle is a must have. A muzzle’s price ranges from $25 to $35.
Every dog must have a leash and collar. The price of collars ranges from about $20 to $40. Leashes, on the other hand, range in price from about $10 to $40.
Rottweilers are strong and tough-looking dogs, but they do love to curl up in their bed. An extra-large bed can cost as much as about $220.
Dog toys will help keep your dog busy, active, and happy. You can choose from a different variety of dog toys for less than $15.

Tips/Buyers Guide
Is a Rottweiler the right dog for you? If yes, then here are some guidelines for choosing a puppy.
Choose a puppy that is neither lame nor shy. It’s much better if the puppy you wanted to buy is friendly and touchy.
Wanting to meet and observe the parents of the puppy is important. You might want to know their behaviors first to help you assess their puppies.
Be sure to check the puppy’s back legs. Remember, Rottweilers are prone to having hip dysplasia. Also, inspect their teeth and gums. Gums must be pink.
Check their overall appearance. If they have a shiny coat and healthy-looking pups, then they are good to go.
Buying a Rottweiler from a registered and reputable breeder instead of puppy mills is a good thing to do; that’s if you want a healthy and stable dog.