Bedlington terriers may not be as popular or costly as Golden Retrievers. There are only about 200 puppies of their kind registered every year but their unique svelte figure and lamb-like fur coat greatly make them a quick fan favorite.
However, do not let their soft features fool you. Faithful to their “terrier” streak, Bedlington terriers will hold on to their own independence which also makes them moderately difficult to train.
But, once you convince them that your commands make sense, they would happily submit to your leadership.
The Cost of a Lamb
Despite their temperament, it does not hurt to get at least one of these rare gems. However, due to the limited supply, it might cost you a bit more to have one $1,500 to $2,700 to be exact.
Bedlington terrier price may depend on a lot of factors such as the kennel itself and what is included in the package.
Some breeders add pet registration certificates, initial veterinary care, deworming treatments, food costs and other supplies to the hefty price tag.
Other Expenses to Consider
Just like any other breed, Bedlington terriers have needs that must be taken care of for the next 14 to 16 years of their lives. These needs can be divided into two: one-time expenses and recurring expenses.
- One-time expenses
Shelter – Bedlington terriers are suitable for apartment living, thanks to their small frame. For families who have large homes, however, it is highly recommended to have them indoors since they are not equipped; both physically and mentally, to living outside.
For indoor dogs, crate training is a must. Crates not only serve as their sleeping quarters. It is also typically used as their resting place after a day of playing and running.
A Bedlington terrier’s 15-18” frame can comfortably fit and live at a 30” dog crate. Buying one can cost you at least $25 each.
Transportation Costs – Because of the Bedlington terriers’ rarity and limited supply, most breeders do not really prefer shipping them. As much as possible, they would rather have their pups picked up by their new owners.
However, not every owner has that luxury to fly all the way to the kennel’s location. Thus, it is up to you to make the necessary arrangements with the help of the pet travel service of your choice.
In this case, you must be ready to shell out a substantial amount because pet travel may cost you around $300 to $3,500 depending on the destination.
These amounts may or may not yet include the health certificates and clearances for pet airline travel, customs fees, and pet supplies while on board.
Certification – Breeders commonly register their new pups as a litter rather than as individuals because it is cheaper. Litter registration is only temporary and once the pup has a new owner, it is not considered eligible anymore.
Luckily, applying for certification is easy, especially for purebreds like Bedlington terriers. The American Kennel Club, one of the oldest and most recognized dog clubs in the US, accepts individual pup registration at $35 per pet.
Obedience Training – Bedlington terriers are intelligent yet stubborn. If not trained early on, they can become destructive and pigheaded towards their owners.
To train them effectively, the trainer must be stern yet gentle. Scolding and punishments are not known to work with this breed.
If you think that you are not patient enough to handle a terrier yourself (despite the fact that they are considered the most gentle among the terrier group), then hiring a trainer is your next option.
Most training camps charge $450 to $800 for four one-hour sessions with your pet. Prices vary depending on the location of the training. Some charge at the lower end of the spectrum if you allow them to do the training at their own camping grounds.
- Recurring Expenses
Food – Bedlington terriers are highly prone to a genetic disease called copper toxicosis or copper storage disease.
As you probably guessed, dogs that have it experience copper toxicity brought by the liver’s incompetence in removing dietary copper from the body. Once it reaches an amount that is considered toxic, your dog may get ill and die.
Thankfully, breeders of Bedlington terriers are actively seeking out dogs that have the gene and prohibit them from breeding.
This is just one of the many reasons why you must only get a Bedlington terrier from a recognized breeder.
Although the number of pups who have the disease is dwindling in number, it is best to be on the safe side. Seek out dog food formulas that have little amounts of dietary copper.
Even better, ask your veterinarian as to what brand would work best for your pup. Most formulas available in the market today contain high amounts of the nutrient.
Working closely with your vet when it comes to your Bedlington terrier’s diet is crucial to keep your pup alive and kicking. The consultation is included in the $60 checkup session for every pet owner.
Veterinary Care – Besides the previously mentioned disease, Bedlington terriers are considered to be very healthy, happy dogs. Still, you must not slack off by giving them proper healthcare.
For starters, your pup must be given vaccination shots and deworming treatments. If you got it from a reputable breeder, initial shots may have already been given.
However, it must be followed up through the years as the dog grows up. Ask your vet for the schedule of the next shot and prepare about $19 to $33 for each one of them.
Grooming Needs – Its lamb-like coat does not stay pretty and stunning overnight. Breeders recommend clipping its hair at least once a week to avoid getting in the way of its daily life.
Each grooming session with a pet salon can cost you around $55 to $90 depending on the amount of hair that will be removed. It is pretty pricey. But, you can save the amount by letting the breeder teach you how to do it.
Combing it once a week is also essential to avoid its curly hair from matting. A simple brush would only cost you $8 to $10.
One problem that you might encounter with Bedlington terriers is the fact that tear stains are a normal occurrence. They can be disturbing to look at especially if your pup’s fur is on the lighter shade.
There are tear stain removers available in the market that can save you the trouble of going to the groomer every week to remove it.
Although you can buy a bottle for only $8, it is better to ask your vet or groomer for advice. Some formulas may be too strong for your pet.
Another body part that you must pay attention to is its flappy ears. These ears tend to accumulate moisture from sweat or mildew which can become a breeding ground for bacteria.
These bacteria can make their way towards your pup’s inner ear and cause infection. To avoid this, clean its outer ears once a week with a cotton ball soaked with ear cleanser. It only costs about $11.
Non-food Supplies – Thanks to their small frame and athletic gait, Bedlington terriers are fast runners especially when they find an animal they can chase.
This could be a problem once you bring them out for a walk. Bedlington terriers cannot be trusted off-leash, so save yourself from the headache and invest in a strong and sturdy one-preferably at least $11.
And while you are at it, you might as well buy it a harness, too. It is not recommended to plug the leash at the collar because it can lead to choking once your dog starts pulling itself free.
Avoid this circumstance by investing in a harness that can be adjusted for its unique frame. The price of a good quality one starts at $35.

Other Considerations Before Buying a Bedlington Terrier
Aside from the one-time and recurring expenses that you might shell out as you buy and take care of Bedlington terriers, you must also consider these things:
- Their temperament. Despite their meek and gentle appearance, Bedlington terriers are still terriers. They are quick to bark at anything that might trigger them and quick to go in full defense mode when someone or something is not to their liking.
- The coat maintenance involved. As mentioned earlier, Bedlington terriers have a high maintenance coat. Most owners tend to give up after a while of brushing, grooming, and clipping their hair because of the time, effort, and money involved.
- Difficulty in finding one. There are only a handful of breeders who actually take the time to breed Bedlington terriers. Their rarity plus their high maintenance lifestyle may contribute to this.