A Pixie-bob cat, also known as Pixiebob, is one of the most highly coveted cat breeds at the moment. It is dubbed as a “dog-like” cat since it is a breed that is highly sociable and loyal.
Also, it can be easily leash-trained. Its trainability and sociability are just two of the reasons why breeders put a premium on its price.
Another unique trait of a Pixie-bob cat is having polydactyl toes. This means that it can have up to a maximum of 7 toes on each foot.
Only the Pixie-bob cat breed is recognized by The International Cat Association to be polydactyl.
Pixie-Bob Cat Price
Due to the high demand for this breed, its price is on the costly side like other special breeds. The price varies depending on the cattery, the kitten’s lineage, color, and gender.
More significant is the difference that breeders place between kittens that are for show quality, and those that are just for home pets. Also, adult Pixiebobs are sold for lower prices compared to kittens.
Their cost also varies depending on how close the kitten’s conformation is to the breed standard.
Depending on the cattery, for kittens that are of show quality, the price usually starts at $1,500, while those that are of pet quality range from $800 – $1,500. A top show quality Pixie-bob cat sold as a pet may cost as high as $5,500.
Interestingly, breeders seem to put a significant price difference between Pixiebobs with long tails and those with short ones. In the website of a Washington-based cattery, a male kitten with a naturally short tail (1 inch in length) costs $4,500.
On the other hand, a male kitten described by the breeder to have a long tail is sold at only $2,500. This difference may be attributed to the fact that one unique trait of a Pixie-bob cat is its short tail.
For price estimation, a buyer should take note of whether the Pixiebob has a short tail or the opposite. Also, take note that some breeders may artificially shorten the tails of the kittens.
Additionally, breeders also give emphasis to whether or not the Pixiebob kitten is a polydactyl, or not. This is because one unique characteristic of a Pixie-bob cat is its polydactyl toes, as officially recognized by TICA.
How to Choose the Right Breeder
In terms of choosing the right breeder of the Pixie-bob breed, various factors have to be weighed in.
First, the buyer must ensure that the breeder can trace back the lineage of the kittens to Brewer’s Pixie (the original breeder). A legitimate Pixiebob breeder would be more than willing to prove that their kittens are really purebred.
Second, a legitimate breeder should also be willing to vouch for the kitten’s health for the first few months. The breeder should produce a health certification that the kitten is not afflicted with any health problem.
Also, pieces of evidence that the kitten received the required vaccinations should also be presented by the breeder.
Third, the buyer should ensure that the breeder of choice raised the kitten in his own home. Although a Pixiebob is highly sociable, isolated cats would find it hard to adapt to a new environment so it is important that the kitten has been in close contact with humans during its growth.
Fourth, and most importantly, the buyer must ensure that the breeder keeps the kittens in a sanitary and loving environment. For this one, it would be helpful if the buyer would really go to the cattery.
Through this, the buyer would really be able to assess the legitimacy of the claims of the breeder.
Last, the buyer should also guard against some common fraudulent schemes practiced by some breeders. A breeder with multiple litters and has a lot of available kittens is a red flag.
The buyer must also be cautious of breeders with online websites and are accepting credit card payments.
In summary, the buyer must check on 5 important measures when choosing the breeder. It is also essential to know if the breeder is giving a reasonable price.
- Purebred lineage (traceable to the original Pixie)
- Health certification and vaccination
- Home-raised
- Sanitary and loving environment
- Common fraudulent schemes (multiple litters, credit card payments)

Maintenance of a Pixie-Bob
Aside from the purchase price, it is also useful to know the basic necessities of Pixiebobs that the owner is responsible for.
Feeding – For the Pixie-bob Cat breed, there is no specific nutritional requirement. They can be fed with either dry or wet food, or even a combination of both. It all depends on your personal preference.
Nevertheless, it would be beneficial to the kitten to eat some crunchy dry food as it will aid its teeth health.
- Wet Canned Cat Food (3oz. can, a pack of 24): $45
- Wellness Complete Health Natural Grain Free Dry Cat Food: $38.25 for 5.5-lb bag
- Cat Treats (2oz. bag): $7
Hygiene – The frequency of grooming a Pixiebob depends on whether it is short-haired or medium-haired. For short-haired ones, grooming is not needed on a weekly basis. Only the long-haired Pixiebobs are advised to be groomed every week.
- Self Cleaning Slicker Brush: Up to $18
- Silicone Massage/Bath Brush: Up to $10
- Tearless Kitten Shampoo: Up to $13
There are no out of the ordinary grooming necessities for this breed. Only basic care is needed such as nail trimming and teeth brushing. The owner must also check the ears regularly to spot an infection early on.
- Dental Kit for Cats (toothbrush and 2.5 oz. toothpaste): $6
- Nail Clipper: Up to $10
- Cat Ear Cleanser: $16.50
Another necessary accessory when owning a cat is a litter box. A litter box is the closest thing to cats’ natural bathroom environment which is either sand or soil.
Since they are used to burying their waste, put at least an inch of litter in the box.
- Clumping Cat Litter (42-lb.): Up to $17
- Hooded Cat Litter Box: Up to $19
- Disposable Cat Litter Box: $7
Health – Since Pixiebobs are a newer breed, no extensive list of known illnesses related to the breed is available. However, similar to other breeds, the cat owner must protect the kitten from being obese.
It will be helpful to feed your cat with cat food that is high in protein and fiber. A calorie control cat food like the Royal Canin® Veterinary Diet Calorie Control CC High Fiber Cat Food costs around $1.70 per 6 oz. can.
On account of it being a tailless cat, however, it may be helpful to get the kitten checked for any spine-related deformation.
Tailless cats are also known to be prone to fecal and urinary incontinence. It is better to have your Pixiebob assessed to know if it is suffering from any of the mentioned conditions.
To detect if your Pixiebob is suffering from Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, the following tests have to be conducted, respectively: a physical examination, urine sample, and urine culture.
Jarrettsvile Veterinary Center, a full-service animal hospital based in Maryland, has a price guide on its website for interested clients.
- Physical Exam: $50
- Blocked Cat Surgery : $800 – $1200
- In-house Urinalysis: $50
- Emergency Care: $100 – $150
More importantly, the owner must ensure that the kitten is receiving the vaccinations required for it. However, it is said that Pixie-bob cats should not be administered with leukemia and FIP vaccines.
The owner shall consult a veterinarian to confirm if the Pixiebob cannot receive such vaccinations. A kitten vaccination protocol can cost around $80 – $165.
Additional Information
Historically, the first ever Pixie-bob Cat came into existence through the efforts of Carol Ann Brewer. In the year 1986, Brewer acquired a male kitten named Keba which had a short tail.
Keba bred Maggie which was the domestic female cat of Brewer’s neighbor. From the resulting litter, Brewer kept a female kitten.
Brewer named the kitten Pixie; owing to its bobbed tail. Pixie had a muted-spotting on its coat and a wild look.
The appearance of a Pixiebob is the root cause of the controversy that it has a wild bobcat ancestry. Truly, at first glance, a Pixiebob looks like it is a dangerous wild bobcat.
Its resemblance to a wild bobcat lies on its muscular built, its signature spotting, and its short tail. It also has long legs, big paws, and long toes similar to a wild bobcat’s.
The controversy was only silenced when the DNA test showed that there is no genetic link between a Pixie-bob cat and a wild bobcat. The International Cat Association (TICA) officially lists the Pixiebob as a fully domestic breed – discounting the wild cat ancestry of Pixiebobs.
In terms of size, a Pixie-bob cat can be quite hefty. An adult female can weigh between 8 to 12 pounds. An adult male is generally heavier – weighing from 16 to 25 pounds.
Also, a Pixiebob either has a short coat or a semi-long one. The uniqueness and newness of the breed have caused the steep cat price given by the breeders.
Pixie-Bobs also have a high chance of being polydactyl (extra toes). Every P/B kitten my long-haired female has thrown has been polydactyl. They can sometimes also have a full-length tail, but that is only 1 out of every 50, and the tail can be medium length or even full length. My last litter had an absolutely beautiful long-tailed Pixie-Bob female colored like the mackerel pattern! I’m anxious for her to have a bobbed tail kitten in her colors when she is of breeding age.