Young-at-heart Disney fans would never forget the aggressive yet honorable Jock from the classic Lady and the Tramp.
Extremely loyal to a fault, it is not a wonder that people cannot help but sympathize with this small but terrible dog.
In real life, Jock’s personality is not that far off. The Scottish terriers of today are also loyal, sweet, and protective of their families.
They yap at the first sign of an intruder and simultaneously, love to cuddle next to their owner.
Unfortunately for those who want a real-life Jock, they come at a price.
The Cost of Owning a Scottie
The Scottish terrier price starts at $700 and may go up to $1,500 depending on the breeder. Prices may tend to be controlled by age (the younger, the higher the price) plus other freebies like health clearances, initial veterinary care, pet supplies, and temporary certifications.
Like the prices, the add-ons may vary from breeder to breeder.
The Cost Goes On
On top of the purchasing price, you also have to consider other expenses, both one-time (expenses you have to pay only once) and recurring (expenses you have to worry about as long as the pup lives).

One-time Expenses
Shelter – Scottish terriers are not picky when it comes to their living conditions. Meaning, they are suitable for both apartment and home life.
They, however, must be kept indoors. When left alone outside or in a yard, they become bored and restless. And, due to their natural instinct, they can dig their hearts out and destroy your well-kept lawn.
If you do decide to keep them in (and you must), crate training is needed. Crates are essential for their peace of mind. They serve as the dogs’ resting place while inside the home.
For their 10 to 11-inch build and 18 to 23-pound weight, a 30” dog crate suits them best. It is big enough to let them sit, stand, and walk around comfortably.
A 30” medium dog crate can cost at least $27 and may go higher depending on the brand.
Transportation Costs – Most Scottish terrier breeders do not have shipping services included in their package. Thus, it is up to you, the owner, to arrange the accommodations and paperwork so that your furry baby can be transported to your home safely.
Thankfully, there are various pet travel services in the market today. Sadly, they do not come cheap. A plane ticket for those who booked their destination within the continental US can cost you $350 to $875 depending on the mileage.
For overseas travel, prepare to shell out around $450 to $3,500. The prices may or may not include other travel perks such as the airline crate, pet food, health clearances, and customs fees (which can vary from country to country).
Certification – Some clubs only allow litter certificates for newborns. Once the 8-week old pup is removed from their custody, the pup’s certificate expires.
For this reason, you might have to arrange the paperwork yourself. Luckily, Scottish terriers are recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Registration fee per pup only costs $35.
Obedience Training – Scottish terriers are considered to be the most independent and therefore the most stubborn among all breeds in the terrier group. They were bred not to follow orders but to figure out stuff on their own.
Because of their tenacity, it is better to leave the training towards licensed trainers, especially if you believe you do not have the patience to handle them.
Obedience training can cost around $450 to $800 depending on the number of sessions and the location of the training. If you prefer to do it at your home, prices can lean towards the higher end.
Recurring Expenses
Food – Scottish terriers are also not sensitive eaters. They can accept any dog food formula without hesitation.
In buying dog food, look for a formula that is specifically made for small breed dogs. Most brands specifically consider the unique qualities needed for each dog size.
A 13-pound bag of dry dog food can cost around $12 but can only last for 8-10 days. That could still go higher if you prefer a high-quality brand.
Veterinary Care – The greatest downside when it comes to owning a Scottish terrier is the fact that they can acquire tons of diseases even though you purchased one from a reputable breeder.
One of them is patellar luxation, a joint problem experienced by most small breed dogs. Scottish terriers have a large trunk but short legs. Over time, the increasing pressure brought by the growing body can become too much for the kneecaps, causing them to slide away from the position.
Patellar luxation can only be fixed using surgery, particularly the medial patellar luxation stabilization surgery. It can cost you $950 to $1,100 depending on the severity of the condition. The price also may or may not include the professional fee for the surgeon.
To further avoid preventable diseases such as bacterial infections, vaccination shots are needed to be administered. Be prepared to shell out $19 to $33 per shot of anti-rabies, parvovirus, adenovirus 2, distemper, and bordetella, among others.
Also, have your Scottie check-up annually or as soon as you notice something different. Some vets charge $60 per session of a routine check-up.
Grooming Needs – Another downside for some owners is the fact that Scottish terriers require rigorous grooming to maintain their thick coat. Professional groomers highly recommend using different tools for each part of the coat. A hound glove and stiff brush for the body coat, a wide-toothed comb for the growing beard, and barber scissors for the trimming.
A good hound glove costs $10, stiff bristle brushes at $8, and a wide-toothed comb for $5.
Have a professional groomer trim the coat every two months or once the long hairs disturb your Scottie’s walk. It can cost you around $55 to $90 depending on the salon.
Other Supplies – Even though Scottish terriers are unable to join you on a morning jog or even a marathon because of their short legs, they still need to be taken on walks to keep them exercised.
For this, you need a leash and a harness. It is not recommended that you walk them off-leash since they might end up digging on whatever soft soil they can find instead of walking.
A good quality harness can cost you about $35 and leashes can be purchased at $11.
Before Buying a Scottie
Of course, price is not just the only thing you have to think about before purchasing a Scottie (or other pooches for that matter).
Aside from their tedious grooming needs and extra preventive vet care, you must also consider if you have enough time in your schedule to actually play and spend quality time with them.
They are not meant to be locked up inside a kennel for most of the day. They prefer being in the presence of their family. Getting used to human interaction may turn their stubborn streak into a pliable, obedient heart.
I have a now 5 month old Scottie female. I adopted her at 8 weeks and from day one she has been the smartest and best behaved pup I’ve ever had. I want to get another one, but I have 4 large dogs, one being 9 and is definitely on the back side of his senior years. I absolutely love her!