Weimaraners were not heard of in the US. That is until former President Dwight Eisenhower brought one, Heidi, into the White House. After World War II, this breed became the must-have dog of the town.
Because more people want to get their hands on a Weim, puppy mills and backyard breeders sprung up to keep up with the demand; eventually breeding Weimaraners that have genetic problems and unstable temperaments.
But do not let this deter you. A Weimaraner brought up by a reputable breeder is fearless, intelligent, and obedient-a true-blue watchdog.
A Weim Bought at a Whim
The Weimaraner price is relatively uniform from one kennel to another; priced at $1,200 to $1,300 depending on the sex and color. This price already includes the preliminary vet care, supplies such as food and toys, among others.
Do note, however, that Weimaraners only come in one color: mouse or silver gray. Anything other than that is considered below the breed standard set by the kennel clubs.
You Only Pay Once
In buying and taking care of a Weimaraner or any dog breed for that matter, you must consider the other expenses involved. It is an animal in need of love, affection, and nourishment in all aspects of its life.
Thankfully, there are expenses that you need to take care of only once. They will be talked about below.
- Shelter
Weimaraners are highly intelligent, ranking 21st most intelligent dogs worldwide. The good side of their intelligence is that they can easily pick up any commands with the proper training.
The bad side? They easily get bored. Once they pick up all the commands you taught them, they find other stuff to keep them busy, such as munching on your furniture, carpet, shoes, or any other material they can find.
They become destructive if left alone for too long. That is why it is vital that they undergo crate training. Of course, you need a crate for that.
The height of a full-grown adult Weimaraner can go from 22 to 25 inches. That is about a third of the length of a twin size bed. If you do not want your Weim to hog your sleeping area, look for a 48” or extra large crate.
Prices of 48” dog crates usually start at $45. Look for one that is made of a sturdy material. If your Weim gets extremely bored inside, it might just chew its way out of the crate.
- Transportation Costs
Most kennels do not prefer shipping their Weimaraner puppies. Some who do would rather have the buyer shoulder all the expenses involved.
Thankfully, there are pet travel services that offer shipping services both locally and internationally. Prices commonly start at $350 for destinations within the continental US, while international flights can go from $450 to $3,500.
These prices do not yet include the crate where the puppy will be placed during the flight and the certificates needed to clear your pet from customs policies. These could cost you an additional $35 to $335 per pet.
- Certificate
Reputable breeders only apply for limited registration for the whole litter since it is far cheaper than paying for all certificates of every puppy they produce.
It is your job, therefore, to apply for a permanent certificate for your puppy. Fortunately, because they are purebreds, all kennel clubs can accept them, including the American Kennel Club or AKC.
The basic registration fee for a single pup costs only $35. If, however, you are only able to process the certification a year after the breeder registered it as a litter, AKC would charge you a late fee amounting to $35.
For those who registered 24 months after the litter registration made by the breeder, the late fee would cost as much as $65. To avoid these soaring charges, please process the documents as soon as possible.
- Obedience Training
Both first-time and experienced dog owners may need to get the help of a certified dog trainer in order to help keep the Weimaraner obedient and friendly both inside and outside the home.
A basic dog training can cost $800 and it includes 4 one-hour lessons in the comfort of your own home. Your Weim would be trained to follow basic commands such as “sit,” and “down,” among others.
For advanced dog training such as off-leash and outdoor activities, you might have to put in an additional amount of $450 to $800.
These amounts may seem too much, but having a well-trained Weimaraner guarantee that your home, friends, and family will be safe from any damage and harm.
Weims are hostile and aggressive towards strangers, small children, and animals. Teaching them manners before worse comes to worst is a must.

Expenses that Last a Lifetime
As expected, your Weimaraner has needs that must be given to it constantly. These needs are easily consumed by your pet and must be refilled every now and then.
- Food
Weimaraners are not picky eaters. However, because they are very active and restless, they may need more food to fuel their energy.
A bag of dry dog food specifically made for large breed dogs like Weimaraners can cost at least $40 each for a 30-lb. bag. Unfortunately, it can only last for 15 days or less depending on your Weim’s appetite and caloric needs.
- Veterinary Care
Thanks to the efforts of breeders who have the passion to correct all the wrongs of the past, Weimaraners that are bred today have little to no genetic-related health problems.
However, just like any other dog, Weims are still prone to diseases brought by their lifestyle and environment. That is why having a routine checkup and updated vaccination shots and deworming treatments are essential in keeping your dog healthy.
A regular checkup can cost about $60 per session. The price includes a thorough examination of your pet from “nose to toe” plus updates on medical history and shots, if applicable.
As for vaccination shots, each one can cost around $19 to $33 depending on the type of shot. Remember to have your Weim vaccinated against four core issues: adenovirus 2, distemper, parvovirus, and parainfluenza. Of course, do not forget the rabies vaccine.
Bathing your Weim can only be done whenever it is too dirty or stinky, which is, thanks to its short fur that made dirt just fall off to the ground, is rare.
However, Weimaraners tend to shed frequently. To prevent your Weim from transforming your rug into a fur carpet, brush its coat at least once a week. A decent bristle brush will only cost you $8 to $10 each.
Special attention must be given to the Weimaraner’s ears. Because of its flappy look, moisture can get trapped inside, leading to bacterial growth and ear infection.
Take the time to inspect your Weim’s ears for tenderness, discharge, or redness. Clean the outer ears using an ear cleanser and a cotton ball. The former only costs about $11.
- Others
Weimaraners have lots and lots of stamina; so much to the point that they are required to have at least two hours of exercise each day. Without it, prepare to see them wreak havoc in your own home and yard.
One way to fulfill their exercise requirement is to walk them around the neighborhood for 30 minutes twice a day. Because they have brute strength, plus they tend to chase whatever small game they see along the way, you need to control them using a sturdy harness and leash.
Harnesses made by reputable brands can cost around $35 to $55. Look for one that can be adjusted based on your Weim’s frame. It must also be able to avoid hindering the limb and shoulder movements as it walks.
Leashes, on the other hand, must be durable enough to withstand the constant stress your Weim is inducing by pulling them around. A good leash can cost at least $11 depending on the brand.
Remember to fasten the leash at the harness, NOT at the collar. Putting it at the collar might become choking and breathing hazards once your pooch starts pulling away.
Another way to fend off its excess energy is to buy it toys; lots and lots of toys. As previously mentioned, Weimaraners easily get bored so buying a lot of toys then rotating a set number of toys per day (for example, six different toys today, then five different toys tomorrow) would reduce it.
Toys are relatively cheap. You can already buy one at $45 or less. However, if you want to give your dog toys that not only entertains but also stimulates the mind, you might want to try investing in interactive toys that can cost around $16 each.
Should I get a Weim?
Now that you know how much it costs to keep a Weimaraner for 10-12 years (their average lifespan), you might ask: should I get one?
Gina Grissom, a proud member of the Southland Weimaraner Club, Inc. and The Weimaraner Club of America and who has been taking care of Weims for more than twenty years, outlined a few questions you should contemplate before getting one.
You can read the paraphrased version below.
- Is the family able to handle the responsibility of taking care of the Weimaraner?
- Are all family members sure that agreement is reached by informed choice rather than coercion or peer pressure?
- Are you willing and able to handle obedience training needed to ensure that the Weimaraner is friendly and tolerable?
- Are you ready to accept the fact that Weimaraners can end up causing a lot of damage when bored or in hunting mode?
- Are you willing to make the Weimaraner stay indoors?
- Do you have a plan in place once the Weimaraner destroys things?
- Can you stand having a Weimaraner for the next 10-15 years of your life?
If you answered YES to all of these questions, then you might be ready for a Weimaraner. Again, remember the costs and consequences involved in keeping one. If not, feel free to choose another breed that matches well with your personality and activity.